Getting a new dog is a fun and exciting time, but there’s always one part I struggle with — coming up with the perfect name. I don’t know about you, but for me it’s hard coming up with a bunch of name ideas on demand; and finding the one that sticks? Well that’s even tougher.
You want a name that sounds good, fits their personality, and one that the whole family can agree on. And since finding names that fit those criteria can be pretty tough I’ve put together a list of 500 popular female dog names to help get you started.
That’s my strategy when it comes to picking names — read through a bunch of dog or baby name lists and start writing down the ones you like. And then before you know it you’ve got a list of 5-10 potential names and you can move onto part two — picking one that the whole family can agree on.
So if you’re looking for a name for your female dog and don’t know where to begin you’ve come to the right place. Whether your preference is traditional, contemporary or unique this list has something for everyone. From classic dog names like Lassie to trendy names such as Bella, here’s 500 female dog names.
500 Popular Female Dog Names
Abby | Ada |
Addie | Adelaide |
Adeline | Adelyn |
Adriana | Agatha |
Agnes | Alexia |
Alexis | Alice |
Allie | Alyssa |
Amari | Amber |
Amelia | Amelie |
Amina | Angel |
Angelica | Angie |
Annabell | Annie |
Anya | Ariel |
Ashley | Asia |
Aspen | Athena |
Aubrey | Autumn |
Ava | Avery |
Baby | Bailey |
Bambi | Basil |
Bea | Bean |
Bella | Bertha |
Bessie | Betsy |
Betty | Bianca |
Billie | Bindi |
Birdie | Biscuit |
Blair | Blakely |
Blanche | Blondie |
Blossom | Bonnie |
Brandy | Brielle |
Brooklyn | Brownie |
Brynn | Buffy |
Cadence | Callie |
Cameron | Camilia |
Camille | Candy |
Carla | Carly |
Carmela | Carmen |
Carolina | Carolyn |
Casey | Cassie |
Cecelia | Chance |
Chanel | Charlie |
Charlotte | Cher |
Cherry | Cheyenne |
Chica | Chloe |
Cinnamon | Clara |
Clarissa | Clementine |
Cleo | Clover |
Coco | Cookie |
Cora | Coraline |
Courtney | Cricket |
Crystal | Daisy |
Dakota | Dallas |
Dana | Daphne |
Darla | Darlene |
Delia | Delilah |
Demi | Destiny |
Diamond | Diva |
Dixie | Dolly |
Dolores | Dora |
Dorothy | Dory |
Dot | Dottie |
Duchess | Eden |
Edie | Edith |
Effie | Electra |
Elena | Eliza |
Ella | Ellie |
Eloise | Elsa |
Elsie | Ember |
Emery | Emma |
Emmy | Enid |
Erin | Esmerelda |
Estelle | Esther |
Etta | Eudora |
Eva | Evelyn |
Evie | Faith |
Fancy | Fannie |
Fantasia | Faye |
Felecity | Fern |
Fifi | Fiona |
Flo | Foxy |
Frances | Frida |
Gabby | Gemma |
Genesis | Geneva |
Georgia | Geraldine |
Gia | Gidget |
Gigi | Ginger |
Giselle | Gloria |
Goldie | Grace |
Greta | Gretchen |
Gwen | Gypsy |
Hadley | Haley |
Halle | Hallie |
Hannah | Harley |
Harlow | Harper |
Harriet | Hattie |
Haven | Hazel |
Heidi | Henley |
Hershey | Holly |
Honey | Hope |
Ibby | Ida |
Imani | Indigo |
Inez | Ingrid |
Irene | Iris |
Isabella | Isla |
Ivory | Ivy |
Izzy | Jackie |
Jada | Jade |
Jamie | Jane |
Janelle | Jasmine |
Jenna | Jersey |
Jessie | Jewel |
Joan | Jolene |
Jordan | Josie |
Journey | Joy |
Juliet | June |
Juno | Justice |
Kali | Kallie |
Kamila | Karina |
Karla | Karma |
Kate | Kay |
Kayla | Kelly |
Kelsey | Kendall |
Kennedy | Kenya |
Kiara | Kiki |
Kimmie | Kinley |
Kinsley | Kira |
Kiwi | Koko |
Kona | Lacy |
Lady | Laika |
Laney | Lassie |
Layla | Leia |
Lena | Leona |
Leslie | Lexy |
Liana | Libby |
Liberty | Lila |
Lily | Liv |
Lizzy | Lois |
Lola | London |
Lorelai | Loretta |
Lorraine | Louise |
Lovely | Lucia |
Lucille | Lucinda |
Lucky | Lucy |
Lula | Lulu |
Luna | Lydia |
Lyla | Lyric |
Mabel | Mackenzie |
Macy | Maddie |
Madeline | Madison |
Mae | Maeve |
Maggie | Maisie |
Makayla | Malia |
Mallory | Mandy |
Mango | Maple |
Mara | Margaret |
Margot | Marianna |
Marilyn | Mary |
Matilda | Maude |
Maya | Mazie |
Mckenna | Megan |
Melina | Melody |
Mia | Mika |
Mila | Miley |
Millie | Mimi |
Minnie | Miranda |
Miriam | Missy |
Mitzi | Mocha |
Molly | Morgan |
Moxie | Muffin |
Mya | Myra |
Nadia | Nala |
Nanette | Naomi |
Nell | Nellie |
Nettie | Nia |
Nikita | Nikki |
Nina | Noel |
Nola | Nora |
Nori | Norma |
Nova | Odessa |
Olive | Olivia |
Opal | Oreo |
Paige | Paisley |
Pandora | Paris |
Parker | Patsy |
Payton | Peach |
Peaches | Peanut |
Pearl | Pebbles |
Peggy | Penelope |
Penny | Pepper |
Perdia | Phoenix |
Phoebe | Piper |
Pippa | Pippy |
Pixie | Polly |
Poppy | Portia |
Precious | Princess |
Priscilla | Pumpkin |
Queen | Quinn |
Raven | Reese |
Regina | Remy |
Riley | Rio |
Rita | River |
Rosalie | Rose |
Rosemary | Rosie |
Rowan | Roxy |
Ruby | Ruth |
Ruthie | Rylie |
Sadie | Sage |
Sally | Sam |
Sammie | Sandy |
Sasha | Sassy |
Savannah | Sawyer |
Scarlet | Scout |
Selena | Selma |
Serena | Serenity |
Shadow | Sheba |
Shelby | Shiloh |
Shirley | Sienna |
Sierra | Silvia |
Sissy | Siti |
Skye | Skylar |
Smokey | Snickers |
Snookie | Snowball |
Sookie | Sophia |
Star | Starla |
Stella | Storm |
Sue | Sugar |
Suki | Summer |
Sunny | Susannah |
Susie | Sweetie |
Sydney | Sylvia |
Tabitha | Talia |
Taylor | Tessa |
Thea | Theo |
Tiana | Tilly |
Tootsie | Trixie |
Trudy | Twinkie |
Ursula | Valentine |
Valeria | Velma |
Venus | Vera |
Victoria | Viola |
Violet | Virginia |
Vivi | Vivienne |
Vixen | Whitney |
Wiggles | Willa |
Willow | Winifred |
Winnie | Winter |
Wren | Xena |
Yasmin | Yvonne |
Zara | Zelda |
Zia | Zoe |
Zola | Zuri |
Recommended Reading
Looking for more even more name ideas for your new dog? Here’s some more dog names lists to help you out:
What Are Your Favorite Female Dog Names?
Do you have any favorite female dog names? Do you prefer traditional, old fashioned or unique names? Have you ever struggled with finding a name that the whole family agrees on, or is that just me? I can’t even tell you how many times my name ideas have been vetoed…
Perhaps given my own dog’s name it’s no surprise that Laika is one of my favorites; and it’s a tribute to the little stray dog who became the first animal or orbit earth back in 1957. It’s short, it has a nice sound to it, and I love that it has a special meaning. And since my boyfriend is interested in all things space it got an automatic pass 🙂
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