Im Schnelldurchlauf haben die Volleys das Halbfinale um die deutsche Meisterschaft erreicht. Nun geht es in der Best-of-Five-Serie gegen die United Volleys Frankfurt. (mehr dazu in unserem Newsblog). .card .hdr{ display: none; } body#cards {…
1 in 4 people near Congos Ebola outbreak…
A quarter of people interviewed in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo last year during the ongoing Ebola outbreak believed the deadly virus wasn't real, according to a new study. A survey was conducted…
Chicagos suspected Ripper Crew member and convicted murderer…
Thomas Kokoraleis — a suspected member of Chicago's "Ripper Crew" who went to prison for a woman's 1982 murder — is now a free man. Kokoraleis, 58, convicted of the murder of 21-year-old Lorraine "Lorry"…
Doctors complete first living kidney transplant from one…
A team of doctors has performed a kidney transplant for the first time ever from one person living with HIV to another. The ground-breaking operation was completed Monday by a multidisciplinary team from the Johns…
University of Texas at Austin suspends Texas Cowboys…
The University of Texas at Austin has suspended the Texas Cowboys spirit group from campus for six years following an investigation into alleged hazing during a retreat last fall, the night before a new member…
Anti-stall system was activated before Ethiopian Airlines Boeing…
Officials investigating the Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737 MAX crash believe that a new automated stall-prevention system was activated before the plane dived into the ground, two sources briefed on the investigation told ABC News. The…
Family of fifth-grader who died after classroom fight…
Lawyers for the family of Raniya Wright, the fifth-grader who died days after suffering injuries from a classroom fight with another student, said in a statement Friday that relatives were "struggling to make sense of…
Anschläge auf ICE-Züge: Ermittler finden Drohne und Nachtsichtgerät
Freitag, 29.03.2019 18:00 Uhr Qaeser A., der am Montag von Spezialkräften der österreichischen Polizei wegen Terrorverdachts festgenommen wurde, hatte offenbar weiter gehende Anschlagspläne als bislang bekannt. Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen fanden Beamte bei der Durchsuchung seiner…
DFB-Chef: Grindel verschwieg Einkünfte von Tochterunternehmen
DFB: Reinhard Grindel verschwieg Einkünfte von Tochterunternehmen - SPIEGEL ONLINE DFB-Chef Grindel verschwieg Einkünfte von Tochterunternehmen Reinhard Grindel steht seit Wochen in der Kritik. Nun kommen neue Vorwürfe hinzu. Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen bezog er in einem…