7 Things Your Dog Hates About You

Unknowingly, we do few things that may irk our furballs or confuse them; our actions in some cases may be sending the wrong signals to the dog. Being aware of wrong ways that are confusing…

500 Popular Female Dog Names

Last updated on September 26, 2018 By Jen Gabbard 1 Comment Getting a new dog is a fun and exciting time, but there’s always one part I struggle with — coming up with the perfect…

500 Popular Male Dog Names

Last updated on October 16, 2018 By Jen Gabbard Leave a Comment Looking for name ideas for your boy dog? Not sure whether you want to go with a classic, unique or trendy name? Having…

What Dog Food is Best For Your Doberman?

Dobermans are very intelligent and active dogs breeds. Dobies do well as watch & service dogs and are also used in rescue operations. This dog can fit well in loving homes to perform the role…

Why Do Dogs Howl?

Last updated on August 5, 2018 By Jen Gabbard 1 Comment None of my dogs before Laika were big howlers. In fact I never heard my previous dogs howl. They had a wide variety of…

10 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats

Are dogs really better than cats? The crazy cat lady might not see beyond her kitty! For every cat person his/her feline is better than any dog on this planet. However research and actual facts…

5 Easy Puppy Training Games

Last updated on August 23, 2018 By Jen Gabbard 1 Comment When you think of the term puppy training the word fun probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. But what if I…