/Urge Shelby County Administration to Halt Reported Deer Massacre!

Urge Shelby County Administration to Halt Reported Deer Massacre!


Officials in Shelby County, Tennessee, are reportedly planning to allow bowhunting in the Chickasaw Basin Authority’s Wolf River restoration area in Collierville beginning in November. Bowhunters routinely spend hours tracking the blood trails of wounded animals, and many victims are lost, eventually succumbing unseen to their injuries. Families are torn apart, and orphaned young are left to starve. And reports of wounded deer wandering through neighborhoods with arrows protruding from their bodies or careening wildly onto busy roadways aren’t uncommon. Killing as a population-control method also backfires because the resultant spike in the food supply prompts accelerated breeding among survivors and inevitable newcomers, which causes populations to increase. PETA apprised decision-makers of the futility, danger, and cruelty of this approach but to no apparent avail. These deer need your help now!

Please politely contact Shelby County’s Public Works Division, which is overseeing the hunting initiative, and ask it to scrap killing in favor of humane control methods—then forward this alert to everyone you know! If you live in Shelby County—especially if you live in Collierville—please be sure to mention that in your correspondence.

Polite comments can be directed to the following individual:

Tom Needham, Director
Shelby County Public Works Division
160 N. Main St., #1127
Memphis, TN 38103
[email protected]