Harvest mouse by Vaughn Matthews

Victoria carrying out a Harvest mouse nest survey
The start of a new academic year means that we’re welcoming another student to our team for the next 10 months or so. Meet Victoria…
Hello, I’m Victoria Shone, the new placement student here at the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales! I am currently a student at Nottingham Trent University where I study Wildlife Conservation. Instead of going straight into 3rd year I decided I would much rather complete a work placement, which would allow me to gain valuable skills I can’t get from inside a lecture hall. I am currently based at Parc Slip Nature Reserve, but will be visiting many of the sites that WTSWW have to offer. I aim to visit as many of these places as I can before my placement ends in 9 months, and be involved in as many aspects of the Trust as I possibly can.
Before starting university I was volunteering once a week at my local nature reserve in East Yorkshire, the North Cave Wetlands, a reserve belonging to the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. Tasks I have been involved in at that reserve have included clearing undergrowth to building and putting out tern rafts. While working with WTSWW I hope to gain more knowledge of practical management techniques, conduct various species’ surveys, and visit new places.
Throughout my placement I hope to expand my knowledge, gain skills that I won’t find anywhere else and watch my confidence grow as the year goes on. Hopefully the varied opportunities I have will help me find the career that is right for me when I finish my university degree. No doubt it will be in the conservation of our amazing British Wildlife!