Firecrest on Skomer Island

Bonelli’s Warbler on Skomer
See what we’ve been spotting during September on Skomer Island…
The highest count of 16 Common Curlew was made on the 19th. There was a first Sanderling seen in 10 years on both 19th and 21st. Single Pectoral Sandpiper seen flying on the 15th.
Grey Phalarope stayed for one full day on the 21st at the North Pond. Common Snipe was seen on the 17th, 20th, 24th (2), 25th, 28th (3) and 13th, 19th, 21st, 22nd, 27th, 29th, 30th (1). There were 8 Sandwich Terns seen on the 2nd. Mediterranean Gull was spotted on the 10th and the Common Gull on the 24th. Juvenile Red-backed Shrike stayed at the Wick Valley and South Stream on the 18th and 19th. Maximum count of Goldcrests was made on the 23rd with 9 individuals counted. There was a Firecrest in North Haven Valley seen on the 30th. Top counts if Blue Tits consisting of 7 and 8 individuals were made on the 27th and 28th. Up to 2 Great Tits seen consecutively for four days between the 27th and the 30th. Best count of Skylarks was made on the 24th (20). Great passage of Barn Swallows on the 23rd, 24th and 27th (4000, 9819, 3840), and 30 House Martins on the 24th.
Warblers: Bonelli’s Warbler 16th (unconfirmed if Eastern or Western), Yellow-browed Warbler on the 29th, highest count of Chiffchaffs on the 13th (15), of Willow Warblers on the 2nd (13), Blackcaps again on the 13th (19), Garden Warbler on the 25th, Lesser Whitethroat on the 26th, Common Whitethroat top count was made on the 2nd (16) and single Grasshopper Warbler seen on the 17th at North Pond.
A few higher counts of Sedge Warblers made on the 7th, 11th, 13th and 15th (7,6,6,8).
There was an individual adult Ring Ouzel seen on the 21st at North Haven. Count of 12 Spotted Flycatchers was made on the 2nd and two were seen on the 9th and 13th.
Top count of Robins was made on the 24th with 41 individuals seen. Female Common Redstart was spotted on the 2nd. Two Whinchats were seen on the 2nd and singles on the 9th, 13th, 17th, 19th, 20th, 23th, 24th, 27th. First Stonechats of this autumn were seen on the 2nd (female and male) and best counts were made on the 13th, 16th, 24th, 27th, 28th (12, 6, 6, 7, 10). There were 6 Wheatears seen on the 2nd and 13th. The top number of Pied Wagtails (10) was made on the 4th. There were 9 Grey Wagtails flying west seen on the 15th and 18 around the whole island on the 13th. Maximum numbers of Meadow Pipits moving were made between the 8th – 14th (70,70,145,140,120,135,75) and 20th – 240, 24th – 180.
Top Rock Pipit counts were made on the 17th and 21st (11, 12). Chaffinches were mostly seen in singles but 4 individuals were seen on the 28th. Good Linnet passage with 120 birds on the 24th and 91 on the 26th. There were 10 Crossbills seen flying on the 24th. Top counts of Reed Buntings with 10 birds were made on the 24th and 28th.